Sunday, July 29, 2012

These are our defenders

I had no real intention to return to blog posting because it can become time-consuming. However, even though writing for The Register is enjoyable, there are things that don't fit the brief. So I'm back to occasionally post my overflow, so to speak.

I wish that self-appointed defenders of my freedom - like Anonymous - would stop interfering with it.

I don’t like data retention, but I do like political debate. And political debate has to include the existence of ideas I might not like - even if only so they can be debated and defeated in public.

There’s even a Web link at which I can detail my responses to the paper that the Attorney-General’s department has published seeking public opinion.

Which brings us to Anonymous, which instead of entering the debate, is trying to coerce the government with the threat of hacking attacks - which include publishing private details of individuals who have nothing to do with data retention.

Some people are happy with the idea of "collateral damage". I'm not.

What about government policies I like, but Anonymous doesn’t? Are they to be stalled or aborted at the behest of the nameless?

This isn’t just fantasy. An exchange with yet-another Twitter account claiming to speak with the name of Anonymous considers carbon trading to be a banking conspiracy, and therefore should not happen - will this be sufficient to justify a "no carbon trading" hack campaign?

The twitter account is called EngageDaMedia, which describes itself as “Anonymous Media”, the operator of which took exception to something I Tweeted regarding climate change. I’ll give you the exchange in full from there (I have taken out the handle of a bystander who happened to get copied on some Tweets).

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin Well I'm a sceptic. Whatever the banks sell. I don't buy it! #Rothchilds. Man Made #ClimateChange My (nice) Ass! :)

@R_Chirgwin:@EngageDaMedia Banks aren't selling climate change. They're selling carbon credits. Science isn't banking.

Yes they R & so is BigOil. How else would they get CC trading established?  Ive had this argument way 2 may times Research it :)

@R_Chirgwin: I read my first explanation of fossil fuels and climate change in a Pournelle article ... in the mid 1970s. Research? Yep.

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin #NWO Plan 50 yrs in advance. Its Amazing! Was it Rockefeller/Rothchilds funded? Did ya read a/thing on the suns effects in 70's?

@R_Chirgwin: @EngageDaMedia So Rockerfeller and Rothchild owned Jerry Pournelle and Isaac Asmiov? Ask Jerry, since Asmov's dead...

@R_Chirgwin: @EngageDaMedia Don't let me ruin a good Evil Jews Are Running Climate Change scenario. Just keep it for the left-hand side of the bell curve

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin It's NOT a Jewish Conspiracy. It's a Banking Cabal Zionist One. The 'illuminated' Ones! Read this:

[I’ll discuss that link later. In the meantime, don’t bother: it’s insane – RC]

@EngageDaMedia: Only polluter will pass on to the people. CarbonTax! @R_Chirgwin

@R_Chirgwin: @EngageDaMedia Which still doesn't say that simple chemistry >100 years old is somehow Zionist. Are you able to disaggregate the concepts?

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin 100 years? Its goes far beyond that. Read the article I sent ya. Know What/Who we are up against. Let me know your thoughts

@R_Chirgwin: @EngageDaMedia What's that? The conspiracy to turn climate change into a banking instrument is >100 years old? Excuse incredulity...

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin Committee of 300. 13 Illuminati Bloodlines  CFR Club of Rome etc Go!

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin Nooo. Talking about the rulers of the planet! NOT a Jewish Conspiracy. Read the BIG article dude. It's Accurate. Scientific too

@R_Chirgwin: @EngageDaMedia Forgive me, I'm still trying work out when the properties of carbon dioxide (19th century) enter the conspiracy.

@EngageDaMedia: @R_Chirgwin You need to understand the mentality of these ppl to understand the grand plan/s. READ THE FUKN ARTICLE. :))

Apparently in response to someone else …

@EngageDaMedia: That's Right … But you cant blame the masses. #Fluoride, #GMO's #MSM #BPA #Drugs FM! Total onslaught from evey direction  @R_Chirgwin

Perhaps I should have stopped sooner, or perhaps I should have trolled for longer. When the discussion reached the use of fluoride, I decided I’d had enough.

The link, by the way, leads to full-on-kook conspiracy theorizing of the first water,  ticking all the boxes from fluoride in water to Freemasons in the 18th century, complete with extra-terrestrial interventions in Earthly politics – it really isn’t worth your time.

I’d like to return now to where I began this article: Anonymous’ intervention in the data retention debate.

Australia also proposes a carbon price which will, ultimately, morph into an emissions trading scheme. Anonymous, at least in the voice above, not only opposes this: it considers our “carbon tax” to be the creation of the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers. The voice that claims to speak for me and be acting as my defender is beholden to the most infantile fantasies imaginable.

Speak for me? Give me a break…

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